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inherent stability meaning in Hindi

inherent stability sentence in Hindi

अंतर्निहित स्थायित्व
inherent    अंतनिहित
stability    दृढ़ता धीरज
1.From 1910 John William Dunne's swept-wing biplane and monoplane designs displayed inherent stability.

2.There is little inherent stability, with the center of mass so high up.

3.He is revealing the inherent stability of modern architecture so that others can build upon it.

4.But San Antonio has an " inherent stability,"

5.Although the principle of inherent stability was proven and slowly gaining acceptance, Dunne's designs were now obsolete.

6.In the early years of powered flight inherent stability in an aircraft was a most important quality.

7.Relative to monohulls, it is more hazardous on multihulls, because of their inherent stability in an inverted position.

8.The system's inherent stability and quick control response make it suitable for use in small radio controlled helicopters.

9.The wind kicks up outside Oklahoma City and we're glad the Ford has the inherent stability of a duallie.

10.David Moss argues this stability may have induced a false belief in the inherent stability of the financial system.

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How to say inherent stability in Hindi and what is the meaning of inherent stability in Hindi? inherent stability Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.